10 Fun & Creative Ways for Marketing Your Book

10 Fun & Creative Ways for Marketing Your Book

\”What do I need to do to market my book?\”

This is a question many authors are asking themselves and often get hung up on. To keep you from getting bogged down in all the science and research that goes into identifying all the best practices, we’ve condensed what you need to know and put together a list of strategies for making book marketing a cinch — in a way that can be fun and exciting at the same time! Here are 10 creative ways authors are finding success in marketing books in today’s world:

10 Ways Authors Find Success in Marketing Their Books

  1. First up, be where your audience is. If you don’t know where your most-likely followers are, it’s time to find out with a little online research. Write down what social media platforms your audience is likely using most and be sure to utilize that avenue to make yourself seen. This will help ensure you’re marketing your book to the right people!
  2. Consider having your writing professionally recorded as an audiobook. Audiobooks can be a great marketing tool because they’re perfect for people who want to listen in the car or at work.
  3. Offer free copies of your book through promotions such as Goodreads Giveaways, where readers enter their email address in exchange for receiving an ebook version of your book.
  4. Create and nurture your online presence with social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other popular platforms among readers in your genre of choice. The more you engage, the more followers and friends you will attract on social media — which means higher visibility!
  5. Create an author website for your work. Include links to your book on Amazon, Goodreads, and other sites where readers can purchase your writing. Don’t forget to include a contact page on your website so readers can connect with you!
  6. Reach out to podcasters specifically in your writing niche. Send them a simple email or message to let them know you’d love to be featured as a guest author on their show. Use their audience to grow your own followers!
  7. When available, sign up to participate in author events, such as signings at local libraries or independent bookstores. Host a public reading of excerpts from your work. Encourage those attending to bring their friends and family members. The more people who come, the better opportunity you have to sell more copies of your book!
  8. Offer heavily-discounted days when people can download an ebook version of your writing through Amazon Prime Reading (available exclusively to Amazon Prime Members) for only $2.99. This option is only available for select titles but is always a good marketing tool if you can utilize it.
  9. Instead of just trying to sell your book outright, create a blog series informing people why they should buy this specific book. Talk about its strengths, reviews by others who have read it, and any features that set it apart from similar books. Additional blog topics might include the backstory of creating your characters, behind-the-scenes writing, or how you came to name your book and chapters. Any way you can humanize your brand and the books you’re writing, the better your audience will connect with you.
  10. Consider offering free signed copies in exchange for reader testimonials of your book. Online reviews are the new word-of-mouth, so advertise that you’ll sign off on a copy of your book in exchange for Google, Goodreads, or Facebook reviews from your readers.

For those of you looking for fresh and creative ways to reach your readers, we hope this post has given you some new ideas to help spark inspiration. From social media engagement and blog posts to press and freebies, the world is full of creative ways for authors to share their stories with their audience. If you’re looking for help marketing a book, connect with our team at Lucid Books! We’ll be happy to chat about what services can best suit all of your writing needs and beyond!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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