3 Mistakes That Lead to a Terrible Book Title

book title

With the US book publishing market predicted to grow from $113 billion in 2015 to $123 billion in 2020, it has become that much harder to attract a strong readership for your new book. The right book title and cover are now even more important to get right.

You need to learn to grab the attention of readers, whether in a bookstore or online. However, writers are still making major mistakes when picking their book title.

Keep reading to learn the top three mistakes you need to avoid when deciding on the title of your book.

The title is confusing for readers

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when naming your book is choosing a confusing title.

For example, does your main character overcome a difficult childhood? Then you should focus on that instead of naming the book after her friend’s dilemma. Be sure to point out what the book is about. Do not confuse the reader by choosing a name that doesn’t relate to the story.

Also, it is much better to mention only the first part of the book and not go further into the plot. This would bring more mystery and intrigue to your book. By avoiding confusing titles and focusing on the key ingredient to your story, you will hook your readers.

They’ll be hooked enough to purchase the book and finish reading it. Before you know it, they’ll be looking to pick up the next novel you write!

The book title is vague or unclear

If the book title is very unclear, the reader will not be very interested in picking up your novel. You need a good hook to attract the readers.

As such, your title needs to cover what your story is about. You can't have a vague title like “Jessica’s School Dilemma.” This is not clear enough to tell the reader what your story is going to cover.

You will need to dig deeper and hook your audience with an exciting and strong title. For example, you can go into more detail by using a title like “Why Jessica’s Teacher Failed Her.” Be sure that you grab your readers with a clear and direct title.

Your title sounds similar to other books 

Another important mistake to avoid when naming your book is to avoid titles that sound similar to other publications on the market.

You need to make sure your book stands out from others. Your title needs to stand on a separate plane from other books in your industry.

Search the book titles in your industry to make sure your name is separate from the rest. For instance, if you write children’s books, check out the available titles in the kids’ section of your local library.

Don't make the same mistakes

These three mistakes are vital to avoid if you want your book to take off. In order to sell a popular novel, you need a clear title that isn’t confusing for readers. Your title needs to stand out from other titles.

Do you have any questions about how to create a great title for your book? Then contact us here!

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