7 Social Media Tips for Authors Looking to Grow Their Readership

social media tips for authors

It’s no secret that social media can be a seriously powerful tool for authors looking to connect with their readers and grow their audience. But with so many platforms and so much noise, it can be hard to know where to start or what strategies will work best. Fortunately, our social media team here at Lucid Books has you covered. 

Here are seven social media tips for authors looking to grow their readership:

Start with a Strategic Plan

The first step is to develop a social media strategy. To get started, ask yourself the following questions. 

  • What platforms do you want to use? 

(LinkedIn? Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Maybe TikTok?) 

  • What kind of content will you share?

(Blog articles written by you, quote cards from your book, behind-the-scenes photos, day in the life as a published author?) 

  • Who is your target audience? 

(Think genre specific here! So, your topic is the guide in choosing your audience and who your book was specifically written for.) 

Answering these questions will help you create a strategy that is tailored to your specific goals.

Strive for Consistency

Once you have a solid social strategy in place, it’s important to be consistent in your execution. That means posting frequently and engaging with your followers on a regular basis. If you plan to post three times per week, stick to posting three times a week. These days, with scheduling platforms, scheduling content in advance couldn't be easier. Plus, the more active you are, the more likely you are to attract new followers and keep the attention of your existing ones. 

Post Content that Adds Value

When it comes to the actual content you share, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity. Your goal should be to post content that is interesting, informative, and relevant to your audience and niche. If all you’re doing is promoting your book each time you publish a new post, people will most likely tune out quickly. But if you’re sharing valuable information and insights on topics that interest them based on your genre, people will be more likely to stick around—and hopefully buy more of your books as they come out. 

Mix Up Your Content

Mixing things up will keep things interesting for both you and your followers. In addition to sharing your own original content, feel free to share articles from other trusted sources, post images or quotes that inspire you, ask questions, share polls, etc. The goal is to keep your audience engaged by giving them a variety of content types to consume.

Use Hashtags Strategically

Hashtags are your friend as they’re a great way to reach new people and get your content seen by a wider audience. When using hashtags, however, it’s important not to go overboard. A few well-chosen hashtags will serve you much better than dozens of random ones. And make sure the hashtags you use are relevant to the content of your post. Otherwise, again, people will lose interest in your page pretty quickly.

Here are the key types of hashtags you’ll want to include in your social media strategy:

Common hashtags—These hashtags are used most often and appear in trending searches. For example, #writingtips is a common hashtag that gets used frequently on Twitter. If you want to reach more people using your tweets, using a few common hashtags is a good idea! But, keep in mind the pool of “common hashtags” can easily become oversaturated and your content can get lost in the noise. So, use these sparingly but strategically when needed. 

Niche tags—Niche hashtags are specific to certain topics or groups of people and often have fewer users than their more general counterparts. For example, if your book is about dogs (because why not?), then maybe you’d want to use #dogbooks instead of #books because it will be easier for others who like dogs (or reading) to find your content.

Make it Easy for People to Share Your Content 

The goal of growing your audience is to get more eyes on your social channels and website. This means the more shares you can get, the better! So, make it easy for them! Include social sharing buttons on every piece of content you publish (blog posts, articles, etc.). This way, people can easily share it with their followers. You can also include links to your social media profiles in your email signature and on other websites where you have a presence (such as Goodreads). 

Engage with Other Authors 

Engaging with other authors is a great way to build relationships and grow your audience simultaneously. Share other authors’ books and blog posts, leave comments on their social media updates, and participate in online discussions within author groups or forums. Not only will this help you cultivate relationships with other writers, but it will also help get your name—and your work—in front of new readers who might not have discovered you otherwise. 

As you can see, social media can be an incredibly powerful tool for authors looking to connect with their readers and grow their audience—but it’s important that it’s used correctly. By following the seven tips, you can develop a social media strategy that will help you achieve your goals as a budding author. Maybe that means selling more books or simply building a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy reading your work. 

Now you’re ready to get out there and start building up your social media presence to grow your readership! 

Looking for more tailored social media help? Let our marketing team at Lucid Books make your social media strategy come to life! We specialize in helping authors with their online presence and would be more than happy to help you with yours. Simply click here to get started!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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