Tips to Write a Bestseller Using Book Covers

book cover tips

It’s no secret that book covers are undeniably important. After all, they are the first thing people see when they are considering buying a book, and they can easily make or break a sale. In fact, research from a “Cover Matters Survey” found that book covers are the single most important factor in determining whether or not a book is even purchased altogether. 

A well-designed book cover can turn heads and catch the reader’s eye to make them want to learn more about the book. On the other hand, a poorly designed cover can do just the opposite and turn potential readers away. Obviously, the latter is not the direction we want your readers to go in. 

Here are some tips to help you rock your book cover’s design and get you on your way to the bestseller’s list. 

An Eye-Catching Cover

Make sure your cover is eye-catching. Remember, this is the first thing potential readers will see! Therefore, it is crucial your cover is attention-getting and visually appealing. In addition, book covers can help set the tone for your book. For example, a cover with dark colors may indicate a more serious tone, while a brightly colored cover may indicate a light-hearted or fun story. No matter what tone you’re going for, make sure your cover accurately reflects the content of your book. 

Use High-Quality Images

Always use high-quality images.

Poor-quality images can easily send the message that your book is not worth reading. Whereas good-quality images can help sell your book by giving it an air of professionalism and quality.

Feature Your Title and Author Name

Make sure your title and author name are prominently featured on the front cover. This will help potential readers to be able to identify your book quickly.

Clear and Concise Text

Keep your text clear and concise. This helps potential readers to be able to quickly understand what your book is about. Remember that too much clutter will only confuse them and leave them feeling less than enthused to pick up a copy of your work. You want your book cover to stand out, but you don’t want it to be so busy that it’s difficult to read.  

Use Color Wisely

Use colors that contrast well with each other. This helps to make your cover stand out from the competition. You want potential readers to be able to see your book cover easily and not have to strain their eyes to make out the text.

Get Some Inspiration

There are hundreds of book cover ideas out there; use them as inspiration for your own. You can find them by browsing through books in a similar genre to yours (or even different genres), or by looking at bestselling books in general. For example, if you write romance novels, look for romance novel covers online and see what styles catch your eye—you may love the simple elegance of some covers or the vibrant colors of others. The same goes for nonfiction genres—if someone writes about finance and economics, look at their book covers and see if any aspects stand out as particularly attractive or memorable.

Not Every Book Cover Starts Perfect

Not every book cover will be perfect from day one. You can't expect your book cover to be perfect from the get-go. As you’re working on it, try not to get too attached to your first draft. Instead, focus on making the best book cover possible. As you work through different ideas and iterations of your design, be open to feedback, and don’t be afraid of making changes (and yes, this means that sometimes you will have to start all over).

Whether you’re a first-time writer or veteran author yourself, there is no denying that book covers play a huge role in creating intrigue. If the cover doesn’t attract readers, they simply won’t pick up the book. That’s why it is so important to use attention-grabbing images, fonts, and colors when designing the cover for your book with intentional thought and creativity. 

By following these tips, you can create a book cover that will help you climb to the top of the best-sellers list in no time! Are you ready to get published? Let’s connect to see if partnership publishing is the right fit for your book!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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