From Draft to Bestseller: The Publishing Timeline

Ah, the dream of becoming a published author—a journey that starts with a single word and ends with a bound book you can hold in your hands. [Cue the happy dance!] But what happens in between? You’re in luck because we’re about to spill the beans!

Publishing can feel like a maze of decisions, deadlines, and detours. But that’s where we come in! We’ve put together a simple timeline that walks you through the stages of publishing a book, from manuscript to market, with a special focus on our partnership publishing model.

Stage 1: Manuscript Preparation

Timeframe: 3-12 months

First things first, you’ve got to write that manuscript. The time this takes can vary, but once your draft is complete, don’t rush off to submit it. Take the time to self-edit; your future readers will thank you.

Stage 2: Choosing Your Path—Why Partnership Publishing?

Timeframe: 1-6 months

While many authors go the traditional route of finding a literary agent, we offer something that combines the best of both worlds—partnership publishing. With Lucid Books, you get industry expertise, marketing support, and distribution channels, all while retaining creative control. We’re all about empowering authors, making us an excellent option for those who want a collaborative and fulfilling publishing experience.

Stage 3: Manuscript Submission

Timeframe: 1-6 months

In partnership publishing, we work closely with you to refine your manuscript and prepare it for the market. No more endless waiting! We always value your time and creativity.

Stage 4: Contract Negotiation

Timeframe: 1-3 months

We offer transparent contracts that are easy to understand, focusing on fair royalty rates and advance payments. You’re not just another author to us – you’re a partner and we’re in this together!

Stage 5: Editing and Revisions

Timeframe: 3-9 months

Once we’re in agreement, our team of skilled editors will work with you to polish your manuscript to perfection. Multiple rounds of revisions ensure your book is the best it can be.

Stage 6: Design and Layout

Timeframe: 1-3 months

Our design team crafts a cover and layout that does justice to your words. And yes, you get a say in the final look!

Stage 7: Pre-Marketing and Promotion

Timeframe: 3-6 months before release

Our marketing mavens kick into gear about six months before your book’s release, setting up readings, sending out review copies, and more.

Stage 8: Publication and Release

Timeframe: The Big Day!

The day we’ve all been waiting for—your book is published and available for sale!

Stage 9: Post-Publication Marketing

Timeframe: Ongoing

The journey doesn’t end at publication. We continue to support you in promoting your book to reach the widest audience possible.

Stage 10: Royalties and Future Projects

Timeframe: Ongoing

As your book sells, you’ll receive royalties based on our transparent contract terms. And yes, we’re already excited about your next project!

The Lucid Books Way

We’re committed to making your publishing journey as smooth as possible. Our partnership publishing model is designed to offer you a unique blend of traditional and self-publishing benefits. With Lucid Books, you gain the advantage of our industry expertise while retaining the creative freedom you deserve.

Ready to Start Your Publishing Journey?

If you’re ready to go from draft to bestseller but don’t know where to start, click over to our contact page. With our partnership publishing model, you’ll have the support you need every step of the way. Contact us today to learn how we can help make your publishing dreams come true!

Happy writing!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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Lucid Books is a partnership publisher. We help you create impactful books that people read and share with others!

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