Anything You Want – Review

what not to do as a newbie writer

Books that can be read in an hour are either great or a waste of time. Anything You Want\"\" falls into the great category. This is essentially a biographical account of the founder of CDBaby, interspersed with relevant business advice. It is engaging and helpful, and will help you think through what you really want your business to be. It is easy to take yourself and your business way too seriously – this book will help cure you. 

Don’t expect to get nuts and bolts advice on business.

Don’t expect to read the same things you have read before.

Don’t expect to get the whole picture.

Expect to walk away from reading this inspired and renewed. This book is a refreshing change from most business books out there.

There have been quite a few \”small business\” business books lately, and this is one\"\" of the best. Two others that I highly recommend are:

The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded and Updated: Expanded and Updated, With Over 100 New Pages of Cutting-Edge Content.


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