Author Spotlight: Art Nicklaus

What inspired you to become an author?

I was inspired to write Little Book of Virtues because I felt I had something important to offer, something helpful to say. In this mixed-up, shook-up, crazy world, the virtues are timeless, a constant, and to me reflect the very image and character of God; an image we are created in and meant to reflect.

When did you first realize you had a passion for writing?

I’ve always loved to read and have admired authors who wrote eloquently and creatively either to instruct or to entertain. I never planned on writing a book, but, again, felt I had something to say.

What has been your biggest challenge as an author?

My biggest challenge as an author has been probably just to do the work. One of my faults is I tend to look for short-cuts and the easy way out. I’m thinking now about a revised version of Little Book of Virtues that would be better written, more complete.

Who is your biggest writing inspiration?

Many authors have inspired me. I read everything Patrick O’Brian wrote, over 20 books, and I’m ready to begin again to work my way through them.

What book are you reading right now?

A favorite book genre for me is biographical adventure books where I can live the adventures of others vicariously. Hiking, sailing, kayaking, mountain climbing, pilgrimages, exploration. I never get bored with them. Miles from Nowhere by Barbara Savage is a classic award-winning book in this genre and one of the first of its type I ever read.

What sets your book apart from others in the same genre?

Little Book of Virtues probably has a small audience. It was written for the person who, first of all, desires to be a better human. It was written for the person who, when they pray the prayer Jesus taught us “May your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” then asks themselves, “How does that happen? How can I put into practice the prayer I have just prayed?” Little Book of Virtues is a way to contemplate and put into action the Way, the Truth, and the Life of Jesus.

How do you beat writer’s block?

Writer’s block was not an issue for me during the writing of Little Book of Virtues. Trying to figure out the best way to communicate the meaning and significance of the virtues was my challenge.

If you could describe your writing journey in three words, what would they be?

I would describe my writing process for Little Book of Virtues as ‘Begin…Continue…Finish.’ Everyone has a story to tell, experiences to share, and maybe even revelation that could benefit others. Go for it! Just begin.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

I had no idea where to look when I decided to write and publish Little Book of Virtues. A friend had published her memoir with Lucid Publishing and was satisfied with the results, so that’s the route I went as well.

Where can we find you when you’re not busy writing?

I’m retired and live in Tacoma, Washington with my wife Julee. We keep busy with grandchildren, travel, and hobbies, including writing. I roast my own coffee. I like being outdoors and walking along the Tacoma waterfront.

Where can we find you on social media/website? 

You can find me on social media,, and on Instagram: @littlebookofvirtues


Do you find yourself asking, “What can I do to make this world a better place? I’m just one person!”?

For those who wish they could do something but wonder what that something could possibly be, this book is for you. Change begins with you and me. The words we speak and the choices we make are significant. Together we can make a difference. We have within us gifts – called virtues – to offer the world. And to create lasting change at the core and the root, we must look within.

Little Book of Virtues is designed to help get you started by increasing awareness of the virtues all people are created with. They are an innate part of our being. It includes suggestions to help you practice and implement those virtues and help others discover them as well.

You don’t have to be perfect. None of us are. But we can all be just a little bit better at loving and serving others. We can leave a legacy our children will be proud of. Go for it! You were created for this.

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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