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A Christian Ethic for the Modern Church

 Format: Paperback  Author: David Garcia  Category: Christian Living  Published: November 8, 2022  ISBN: 9781632965615  Pages: 210 More Details  Barnes & Noble
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A Christian Ethic for the Modern Church is a meditation on the psychology of the West and the future of the Church in light of our changing world. If we are to be a force for good in coming generations, the nature of our relationships with history, cultural institutions, and the created order will need to undergo significant repair.

A Christian Ethic proposes a framework from which to view the issues of our modern era and illuminates the distortions caused by our unhealthy enmeshment with politics, the media, and consumerism. It articulates the fundamental notion of the divided psyche as a primary source of human misery and a requisite for the objectification and exploitation of human beings and the created order.

Finally, A Christian Ethic for the Modern Church offers a number of practical, individual, and corporate considerations for reintegration and healing while remaining true to Christian orthodoxy.

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