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Be Who You Are

- Discovering What the Beatitudes Reveal about Identity
 Format: Paperback  Author: Christy Boys  Category: Christian Living, Ministry Tools  Published: November 12, 2018  ISBN: 1-63296-319-1  Pages: 164 More Details  Buy on Amazon

FEW WOULD DENY that knowing one’s identity matters. But how can we truly know
who we really are? Culture, family background, successes, and failures all offer competing

For Jesus-followers, what Jesus says matters most. Wouldn't it be amazing if Jesus told us
who we really are? Through the Beatitudes he has given us clarity regarding our identity. In
this guided study, we see that each Beatitude:

• Reveals a reality—not a command
• Unpacks a divinely given attribute
• Guarantees a spiritual inheritance

Once you realize and joyfully embrace who Jesus says you are, your life will never be the
same. You’ll experience a freedom you didn't know was possible as you continue to grow in
your understanding of all you’ve been given in Jesus.

This workbook can be used as a nine-week group Bible study. Alternatively, it can be used
individually or in one-on-one discipling relationships.

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