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Choose Joy

- Bridging the Gap Between God's Glory and Our Greatest Good
 Format: Paperback  Author: Cameron Roy  Category: Christian Living  Published: September 22, 2016  ISBN: 1-63296-084-2  Pages: 90 More Details  Buy on Amazon

Being a Christian in today’s society is extremely difficult. We live in a world that markets happiness, comfort, pleasure, fun, excitement, self-image, and many other things at an extremely rapid rate. In a world of competing pleasures, these things can make obeying God look draining. It can seem like your own pleasure and God’s glory are at odds, and one has to be compromised for the other. How miserable of a life is one that begrudgingly submits to God in obedience? It’s extremely miserable and only makes God look like a dictator and not the loving father that He is.

“Choose Joy’s” aim is to help people understand that our greatest good isn't found in the world and it’s competing pleasures but is only found in God himself who invites us into the greatest joy, deepest pleasure, and rock solid peace by our trusting in Him.

What you can expect to learn from this book:
• Where the greatest satisfaction for humans is found
• Why God wants us to obey Him
• How to Choose Joy

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