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- Finding Hope through One Pastor's Doubt
 Format: Paperback  Author: Steve Hinton  Category: Christian Living, Sermon To Book  Published: November 26, 2018  ISBN: 1-63296-303-5  Pages: 168 More Details  Buy on Amazon

What may seem like a window into the heart of a pastor will quickly become one into your own soul.
—Rusty George, Lead Pastor, Real Life Church, Valencia, California, author of ‘Better Together’

It is obvious that he has not only been through the trenches but understands the kingdom of God on a level that few do, but many long to.

—Laura Mullenix, Founder of Bethnuah Ministries, author of ‘The Long Way Home’

When a pastor or Christian leader gets real—giving us glimpses behind the clerical covering into their real humanity—well, then grace roars like a hurricane.

—Michael John Cusick, author of ‘Surfing for God’, CEO of Restoring the Soul

“Well, this sucks! I know, preachers aren’t supposed to talk that way. But from time to time, churchy words just don't seem to convey what’s truly going on in the soul.”

Through humor and real-life stories of pain, Steve Hinton looks honestly at tough questions about God, self, and life. While some of these questions might seem shocking coming from a preacher, they are the questions that many of us ask late at night when the lights are out. ‘Confessions’ is a book for:

• Those who have honest doubts about God’s goodness and love

• Those seeking to know their true identity in a world of mixed messages about humanity, God, and themselves

• Those who have faced years of unanswered prayer

• Those trying to make sense of a broken life and feelings of an absent God

It is Steve’s desire that by walking through these pages, you will discover the love of Christ at a deeper level. Come along on the journey of ‘Confessions’ and uncover a renewed hope for your life.

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