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Good News Trilogy

- The Gift, Gospel Poems, In Faith and Victory
 Format: Paperback  Author: Robert Scrivner  Category: Poetry  Published: July 11, 2023  ISBN: 9781632966063  Pages: 206 More Details  Barnes & Noble

Open this Good News Trilogy, and take a chance on being overcome with good news. This book is simply a collection of good, gospel-expounding poems. If you are turned on to the gospel, you may like poems that enlighten you to the full meaning of trusting Jesus for your present-day living. It is my earnest desire that whoever picks up these 93 poems will lose themselves in the reading while paying special attention to the availability of this truly good news. Jesus can convey His great love for you in basic everyday English. Get turned on to having a poem or perhaps five poems every day to move you joyously on your way. The gospel to the beat of your heart will show you just how fun poetry can be.

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