The Lucid Bookstore

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 Format: Hardcover, Paperback  Author: Brad Baker  Category: Children's  Published: November 20, 2024  ISBN: 978-1632967268  Pages: 50  Illustrator: Chelsey Powell More Details  Buy on Amazon  Barnes & Noble
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God is a Mathematician, no doubt. The design of a honeycomb, the rotation of a planet, even a seashell is mathematical in nature. From galaxies to DNA, Fibonacci sequences are everywhere! Yet, countless students have asked the age-old math question, “When am I ever going to use this?” The answer is simple, look around. If students really open their eyes, they will recognize a math-filled world. But more importantly, they will see an intelligent designer behind it all. To study math is to gain a small amount of knowledge of a Creative God. The single goal of this book is to encourage young students to follow a “math path.”

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