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Husband & Wife

- A Guide to Lifelong Love and Marriage That Lasts
 Format: Paperback  Author: Everett Tellez  Category: Christian Living  Published: February 28, 2023  ISBN: 978-1632965820  Pages: 180 More Details  Buy on Amazon  Amazon  Barnes & Noble

Marriage is a sacred event. A man and woman coming together is a beautiful thing. It is a precious gift not to be taken lightly. There is deep significance and wonderful meaning behind this unique, special bond. It was meant to be unbreakable.

Throughout the course of time and history, the institution of marriage has lost something. Today, many couples are breaking up badly. Millions of families are being torn apart, and countless commitments are failing everywhere. Perhaps your own marriage is in jeopardy. Is there heartache in your home, conflict down your hallway, or bitterness in your bedroom? What is the solution?

Husband & Wife was written to help you and your spouse rediscover your united purpose. It is to keep the two of you at peace, not through the lens of secular society but through the eyes of your creator, the one in whom all things exist and are established. By embracing God’s outlook on marriage, you can journey alongside each other to apply spiritual principles outlined in Scripture and learn to demonstrate love the way Jesus did. From there, the Holy Spirit can lead you to marital success. The Challenge: changing your heart from the inside out and renewing your mind from within. This book will inspire you to take it on. Let’s get to work!

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