6 Reasons Why Writing a Book Will Benefit Your Business

6 Reasons Why Writing a Book Will Benefit Your Business

As a business owner, writing a book is probably the last thing on your mind. From keeping track of your finances, tending to customer needs, and working through a mountain of administrative tasks, you hardly have time to breathe, let alone time to write a book. (More on this later.)

But writing a book may be one of the best things you can do for your business. Here are six reasons why writing a book will benefit your business.

1.    Credibility

Writing a book can help position you as a credible thought leader in your space. Whether you’re a business consultant, attorney, or real estate agent, publishing a book in your area of business will boost your personal and professional credibility.

Bradley Bevers, Lucid Books author of Texas Farm & Ranch Guide, adds, \”When I give my book out to a client, it instantly establishes credibility.\” He goes on to say, \”It’s a time-saving tool—rather than spending hours proving I know what I’m doing, it becomes as simple as handing out a book.\”

2.    Generate Leads

A book is a tremendous asset when it comes to generating leads for your business. One of the most effective strategies for business authors is to send a physical (or digital) copy of your book to prospects. You can send books to prospects after your initial contact, you can provide them for free via your website, or you can keep a few copies with you throughout the day to hand out.

To maximize this tactic, it’s best to include your contact information (e.g. phone number, address, and website) and additional information about you, your business, and the products or services you provide. One of the best places to provide this information is in the back of your book in the form of a back matter ad. (Back matter refers to the pages that follow the body and conclusion of your book.)

3.    Promotional Tool

After your book is published, it will continue to serve as a promotional tool for you and your business. Making your book available through a variety of channels, such as Amazon, bookstores, and your personal website and social media accounts, will create awareness for your book, which in turn will create awareness for you and your business.

4.    Increased Speaking Engagements

In many cases, a book can be a great tool to help public speakers build their speaking career. Again, writing a book will help build your credibility, which in turn can serve as a key to unlock new speaking opportunities.

5.    Develop Additional Products

When writing a book, it’s a good idea to have your eye on additional products you can develop to help complement your writing. Stephen Key, Co-Founder of inventRight and author of One Simple Idea, encourages business authors to think through \”how writing a book will complement your other revenue streams.\”
One common practice is to launch an in-depth video course or membership program in conjunction with your book as a way of providing additional value for your readers. With this strategy, your explain the \”what\” for your readers (i.e. what they’ll need to know in order to accomplish your topic), whereas your course or membership program provides a more in-depth \”how\” for people (i.e. how to accomplish the tasks).

6.    Increased Revenue

As a business owner, there’s more to writing a book than generating royalties from book sales. In fact, Bevers believes business owners \”should not worry about royalties from a book.\” He adds, \”I give thousands of copies [of my book] away a year, and the return on investment is much higher than it would be if I worried about royalty income.\”
You see, as a business owner, writing a book is more about creating multiple streams of income. From book sales, additional clients and speaking engagements, and the sale of additional products, one book can lead to the creation of several new streams of income for you and your business.

How You Can Write a Book in 20 Hours or Less

I understand writing a book is not an easy undertaking. It takes a tremendous amount of time to not only write a book, but to think through a myriad of details, such as cover design, editing, marketing, and more. As a business owner, I understand time is not something you have readily available. This is where we can help.

At Lucid Books, we are rolling out a new Business Book service where we pair you with a top-notch writing coach who will help you choose an effective topic for your business, develop an outline, and help you write a quality book in as little as 20 hours.

After your book is complete, we will handle all of the publishing details so that you can focus your best working hours where you should be–running your business.

Visit our Business Book service page to get started today!


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