what not to do as a newbie writer

CA$HVERTISING\"\" is chock full of great information. It feels like he started off with a 1,000 page book, and cut out the extraneous 80%, leaving you with 200 pages of top quality information. As a publisher, I am always looking for books that will help authors to either write or sell their books, and this is one of the few that does both. Read it and your writing will improve. Read it and you will sell more widgets. 

Some of my favorite sections include:

The Life-Force 8: What are the 8 engrained human needs that writers can tap into?

The Bandwagon Effect: How can you build momentum by giving your prospects something to jump on?

The Elaboration Likelihood Model: How can you adjust your prospect’s attitude?

The Six Weapons of Influence: What are the six weapons of influence? This section reads like a cliff notes version of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Collins Business Essentials) \"\"

Message-Sidedness: How can you use comparisons to increase the likelihood of someone buying your product?

The Psychology of Simplicity: How can your write simpler, better copy? This short section is worth the price of the book all by itself. Some of the best, most practical writing advice I have read.

Directing Mental Movies: How can use the power of the imagination in your writing?

There are hardly any clunkers here . . . its all great information. Whether you are a seasoned business owner or a budding author, this is a book\"\" that will help you tremendously if you apply these principles. Highly Recommended.

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