Marketing Tips

Don't Just Wing It: Prepare For Media Interviews

A common misconception that most authors have is that media interviews mean books sales. This is false. Just because you were successful in obtaining an interview, even if it is an interview on a national television or radio program, does not mean that your interview will automatically lead to book sales. Why is this? The

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How to Book Media Interviews on Your Own

When we say “media interviews” we are not necessarily talking about television appearances on the big three networks. Though that might happen, it is very unlikely. We mean any and all media; television, radio, newspapers, magazines, podcasts, blogs, and the list goes on. Media interviews are very important for book sales. Media interviews offer authors

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What Does Public Speaking Have to Do With Authors?

You are taking a shower in a motel room off the highway, when suddenly a crazed lunatic wearing an old woman’s wig throws open the curtain wielding a carving knife. Ree ree ree ree. For most of you, experiencing this classic movie scene first hand would be preferable to public speaking. Ok, that might be

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