How To Get Media Attention

what not to do as a newbie writer

This is a guest article from one of our authors at Lucid Books, Jason Mrikitani. Jason has enjoyed a lot of success gaining publicity for his book, most notably through local TV appearances and a nationally televised feature on The 700 Club. We asked him to share some of his networking and marketing secrets with you here, and I highly recommend that you listen to what he says. If I could point to two things that have lead to Jason’s success it would be this: his persistence and his unflagging optimism. These qualities have helped him enjoy success, and they can help you as well.
As authors, we all want to get more media attention in order to increase sales.  I’ve been blessed with TV & Radio interviews, articles, and speaking opportunities . . . even a featured spot on \”The 700 Club\” (seen here at,which included a referral to my book’s website.

Here are some links on my own sites for other publicity and media attention my book has received:

I’ll do my best to share how these came about.

For starters, I have a favorite t-shirt that says, \”Work Like it’s on You, Pray Like it’s on Him\” based on Col. 3:23.  After all, Jesus said, \”Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well,\”  Matt. 6:33. Prayer is the foundation for my success in marketing, but I also worked hard to get it done.

Below are 4 ways I worked to increase my media attention (after I prayed).

1) Have a good WEBSITE.

I actually have 2:

It is crucial to have a presence on the internet. You should, at the very least, have a blog (WordPress and Blogger are my favorites). Having an online presence is essential… and make sure your website is viewable on smartphones too!

5 tips for a great website:

1. Blog quality material
2. Sell your book on your website (I use an Amazon link on mine)
3. Make sure it is easy for readers to see your site (both on the computer and on other devices)
4. Increase your SEO, or findability –  My friend, Heather, can better explain what I mean:
5. Pick a host or a site manager that does a great job.

2) Take full advantage of Social Networking.

We live in the generation of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.  I personally use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

If you don’t understand how to do something, ask for help or go to a webinar.

  • Facebook – I’m blessed with a lot of \”friends\” on my personal page (, but I am careful to not only be \”the book guy\” on it.  e.g. I talk about my wife and kids, the Cardinals, and movies, and pitch my book 1/5 of the time.  I have also created a page for my book –
  • Twitter @mile_mark – I do more book-marketing here, having created small urls of my news videos ( – USE THIS TO CREATE SMALLER URLS!)
  • YouTube – Create a CHANNEL with your videos…
  • LinkedIn – like a business/corporate version of FaceBook (very valuable in certain circles)

3) \”It’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know.\”

Who do you know?  Who do your friends know?  Who do your friends’ friends know?  (Word of mouth is a great marketing tool!)

  • Anyone who works in a church? Pastors?
  • Anyone who works in a school?
  • Anyone who works in a newspaper?
  • Anyone who works for a radio station?
  • Anyone who works for a TV station?
  • Anyone in any ministries?

Get people talking, ask someone to arrange something for you… and be PERSISTENT.

The tricky part: Find the line between PERSISTENTLY ASKING someone to help you and just being a pain in their rear.

A personal example . . .  Frank Cusumano is a local Sports TV news anchor, who also happens to be a friend.  He found my story/book very interesting, but being a sports guy, was more worried about the St. Louis Cardinals or Rams most of the time.  I emailed or texted once every 3 or 4 weeks for over six months until he finally ran this:

Also, whenever possible, create win-win situations for the person helping you. Frank Cusumano felt I gave him a great SPORTS story, which is exactly what he was looking for.


I never go anywhere without cards or books or something to visually represent my story. I have included a sample of what I use below.

Finally, consider ALL your resources.  For example, I have changed my email signature to display my YouTube channel so it will be easier for others to find my videos.  What might help you?  Ask others that same question!  And always go back to the first… HUMBLY GET BACK ON YOUR KNEES BEFORE THE GREATEST RESOURCE FOR HELP.  Scripture tells us that our God looks around to help those whose hearts are fully His (2 Chron 16:9.).

Written By: Jason Mrikitani (Join my newsletter to continue to follow what I am doing here)

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