How to Turn Your Book into a Series

turn your book into a series

Thinking about turning your book into a series? It’s an exciting move that offers the chance to venture deeper into the world you’ve created and give your readers more of what they love. But expanding into a series isn’t just about writing more—it’s about smart planning and knowing when the time is right

Let’s walk through how to decide if your book is ready to become a series and what steps to take to make it happen.

When to Consider Making Your Book a Series

1. Reader Demand: If your book has developed a good following and readers are clamoring for more, it might be a sign that they’re ready to dive deeper into your characters’ stories or the world you’ve built.

2. Unexplored Subplots: Sometimes, during the writing process, you might find yourself cutting out subplots or secondary characters to keep the narrative tight. A series can provide the perfect opportunity to explore these elements fully.

3. Rich World-Building: If your book is set in a world that has its own complex rules, history, and cultures, and you find yourself with more to say, this is a strong foundation for a series. Expanding on this can enrich the reader’s experience and deepen engagement with your work.

How to Expand Your Book into a Series

  1. Plan the Overall Goal: Before you start, outline the overarching narrative that will span your series. Decide how many books it will include and what the main plot points will be in each installment. This helps build continuity throughout the series.
  2. Deepen Character Development: One of the best parts of writing a series is the opportunity to develop characters. Think about how your characters will develop through the series, and plan significant growth or changes that will keep readers wanting more.
  3. Introduce New Challenges: To keep the series interesting, each book should introduce new challenges or reveal fun, new aspects of the world you’ve created. This keeps the momentum going and prevents the storyline from becoming stale.
  4. Maintain Consistency: While each book should stand on its own, consistency in tone, feel, and style, is crucial. This is key to keeping readers engaged and making the series feel cohesive.
  5. Prepare for a Bigger Commitment: Take it from us – Writing a series is a marathon, not a sprint. Be prepared for the long haul, and consider your ability to commit to multiple books. This can affect your writing schedule, marketing efforts, and interaction with your readers.

Building Bonds That Last 

Here at Lucid, we like to tell our authors that developing a book into a series is like opening up new chapters in a friendship—it deepens the bond. Your readers get to spend more time in the worlds you’ve created and with the characters they’ve grown to love. This is how you build an authentic fan base of readers who love your work and are emotionally invested in every page you write.

And with every new release, there’s a ripple effect—suddenly, there’s renewed interest in your earlier works, keeping the momentum of your sales strong and steady.

Ready to make that leap? Let’s work together to give your readers experiences they’ll fall in love with across multiple books!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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