Ignore Everybody – Review

what not to do as a newbie writer

I have had this book\"\" on my wishlist for a long time, and I finally found a copy at a bookstore. I was expecting a practical book on creativity, but that’s not exactly what this is. It’s a lot closer to The War of Art\"\" then to Thinkertoys\"\"

If you are looking for a quick read that has some great advice for both businesses and individuals, this would be a good choice. It’s not as good as The War of Art, but it is also more down to earth. The author’s personal transformation into a famous business card size cartoonist provides anecdotes for almost every one of the 40 keys to creativity. The cartoons interspersed throughout the book range from great to \”eh\” to offensive.

Two of my favorite quotes:

\”Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then when you hit puberty they take the crayons away and replace them with dry, uninspiring books on algebra, history, etc. Being suddenly hit years later with the \”creative bug\” is just a wee voice telling you, \”I’d like my crayons back, please.\”

\”Everyone has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb. You may never reach the summit’ for that you will be forgiven. But if you don’t make at least one serious attempt to get above the snow line, years later you will find yourself lying on your deathbed, and all you will feel is emptiness.\”

Bottom line: Recommended \"\"if you are stuck in a creative rut or need to be convinced that you have some creative gifts to offer. Warning: the cartoons will offend you, so skip them.

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