Leveraging Book Reviews: How to Gain Exposure and Credibility as a New Author

leveraging book reviews

As an author, a good review is worth its weight in gold. And, if you’re a new author, these reviews are so much more than just feedback—they’re essential for getting your foot in the door with your ideal readers to help build your reputation. 

In today’s post, we’re taking a deeper look into how you can use book reviews to your advantage and really make a splash with your book debut.

Let’s start with the basics, first. 

Why Book Reviews Matter

Book reviews provide what’s called ‘social proof’, a psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior. In simpler terms, if readers see positive reviews, they are more likely to consider your book worth reading.

Reviews also improve your book’s visibility in several ways. Most importantly, they can boost your book’s ranking on online retail sites, making it more likely to appear in search results and recommendations. Also, reviews can be a deciding factor for readers browsing through hundreds of titles in your genre.

So, how do you get reviews in the first place? We’re glad you asked! 

Let’s take it step by step. 

Getting Reviews: Steps to Take

1. Advance Review Copies (ARCs): Before your book hits the shelves, distribute ARCs to book bloggers, industry influencers, and reviewers. This can be done through mailing lists, direct requests, or services like NetGalley, where reviewers can request copies.

2. Reach Out to Book Bloggers: Identify bloggers who review books in your genre and reach out to them with a personalized pitch for your book. Be professional and concise in your emails, and provide them with all the necessary information they might need to consider your book for review.

3. Utilize Social Media Platforms: Platforms like Linkedin, Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook can be great places to connect with potential reviewers. Engage with those communities by participating in relevant discussions and by following hashtags like #BookReview or #CurrentlyReading.

4. Encourage Reader Reviews: Once your book is published, encourage your readers to leave reviews. This can be done through author newsletters, social media posts, or in the back section of your book. A gentle reminder that reviews help can be very effective.

Responding to Reviews

While receiving positive reviews is always the goal, handling negative feedback professionally is crucial. It happens to even the best authors, so try not to take it too personally. Respond graciously to the negative reviews if you choose to respond at all, and use them as an opportunity to learn and improve your craft. Remember, every review is a chance to see your work through another’s eyes.

Leveraging Reviews in Marketing

Once you have a good handful of reviews, use them in your marketing materials. Quotes from positive reviews can be featured on your book cover, website, or promotional graphics on social. They can also be shared in press releases, author bios, or as part of your pitch to potential booksellers or librarians.

Incorporating reviews into your marketing strategy doesn't just highlight the quality of your work but they also attract potential readers who rely on the recommendations of others. As your collection of reviews grows, so does the potential for increased sales and opportunities. Who doesn't want more of those, right

So, remember, stay persistent, stay patient, and keep writing!

Questions on getting started? We would love to have you sit down and chat with our publishing team here at Lucid Books. Click here to connect. 

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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