10 Quotes to Inspire Your Writing this Summer

Writing doesn't always come easy. Writing a book—let alone anything—is a challenge. Here's a compilation of 10 quotes to help you overcome your writing hurdles and inspire your writing this summer

10 Quotes to Inspire Your Writing this Summer

Writing doesn't always come easy. Writing a book—let alone anything—is a challenge. Here’s a compilation of 10 quotes to help you overcome your writing hurdles and inspire your writing this summer.

1. Start writing no matter what.


2. Think of writing as an exploration.


3. Write to become a writer.


4. Learn the craft of writing.


5. No matter what, your words matter.


6. Write the book you want to read.


7. Start writing, edit later.


8. Write what you want others to remember.


9. You have to start somewhere to get anywhere.


10. At the end of the day, it’s your story and it should be told.


For many, writing is personal and takes time, but sharing your story can be so rewarding in the end. It’s important to seek inspiration and write your book this summer.

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