School For Startups – Review

what not to do as a newbie writer

In a word, this book\"\" is practical. That is more than you can say for most business books out there. Each chapter of this 208 page book offers great advice on a specific business topic, like marketing or international trade. The advice is great, and perfect for the beginning entrepreneur. If you know nothing about business and want to start one soon, this may be the best book out there. 

The Bootstrap Rules, starting on page 50, are the highlight of the book. This is a list of 23 rules for business owners who need to start a business on a shoestring budget. There is some great advice here, and it should be very valuable for all entrepreneurs starting out. Most businesses fail because they overextend themselves in one way or another, and this book will guard against that. The first 5 Bootstap Rules are:

Get Operational Quickly

Look For Quick Sales

Offer High-Value Products

Forget the Crack Team of Recruits


If you are looking for one good reason to get the book\"\", this list of 23 helpful rules is it. The other real highlight of the book are the examples the author gives. Inspirational stories are scattered throughout, and they will help point you in the right direction. Recommended. 

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