System Busters – Review

what not to do as a newbie writer

This is a great book\"\" that emphasizes the importance of systems. It is a good companion to The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It. In fact, the author of this book was inspired by Gerber to systematize his business. While I really liked the book, it’s not quite what I was expecting. It really serves as a motivational book more than anything, and I was expecting something more hands on. Some sample \”system sheets\” would have really made the book great. As it is, it is a good read that will motivate you to implement systems, but it could have been an excellent book. 

* Motivational
* Practical – you will learn things you can use right away
* Comprehensive – you will create systems in your business for everything (literally)

* No full sample systems – big missing piece here
* Advertises author’s systems software, an expensive investment
* Part of it are repetitive. It’s already a short book at less than 150 pages, but it probably should clock in at less than 100.

I always tell our authors that when their book has published, they have just started a business. Your book is your business, and this book can help you figure out exactly what works for your work. Some of the systems you could create as an author would be:

Book Signing Strategy

Marketing Checklist

Securing Positive Reviews System

Ordering Books for Speaking Engagements

System for Writing Daily

System for Discovering New Subjects

The list could go on forever. This book will help you think about ways you can transform your book and really turn it into the business that it is meant to be.

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