The $100 Start-Up – Book Review

what not to do as a newbie writer

\"\"[amazon_link id=\”0307951529\” target=\”_blank\” ]This is a great little book[/amazon_link] that will help you get over the hump and actually start a business. It focuses on the microbusiness revolution, which the author defines as \”a way of earning a good living while crafting a life of independence and purpose.\”
This is full of great information, and if you have your own business or are interested, it is one you should definitely pick up. That said, here are some of the things I liked the most:

* Six Steps To Get Started Right Now. This simple six-step process is contained on a couple of pages, and could be all you need to start selling something online.

* Idea Matrix. Great way to evaluate competing ideas on impact, effort, profitability, and vision.

* The Action Bias. All about focusing on the right thing, vitally important to any success in business.

* The One-Page Business Plan. All you need to plan out your business.

* Much more, from metrics you should keep track of to tweaking your bottom line, there is a ton of information across the business spectrum here.

Lots of great things in this book, but there were a couple that I didn’t like. First of all, though much of the information can be applied to any business, the author leaned towards talking about starting an infobusiness more than any other. Definitely worth picking up even if you aren’t interested in starting an infobusiness, but I wish the cover matched the inside of the book more. I also found the chapter on How To Franchise Yourself not as helpful, did not seem to fit in the overall scheme of the book.

Off the top of my head, this is one of the three best business books that I have read (the other two being [amazon_link id=\”0307465357\” target=\”_blank\” ]The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (Expanded and Updated)[/amazon_link] & [amazon_link id=\”1591843529\” target=\”_blank\” ]The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business[/amazon_link]). It is one that I marked up as I read and will refer to again and again. You will find something here to increase your bottom line, [amazon_link id=\”0307951529\” target=\”_blank\” ]a great investment for any reader. Highly Recommended.[/amazon_link][amazon_link id=\”0307951529\” target=\”_blank\” ]The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future[/amazon_link]

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