The Great Gatsby – Book Review

what not to do as a newbie writer

There are few books that I will reread, but this is definitely one of them. I know that I was supposed to read this in high school, but can’t remember if I did or not. Regardless, I finally picked up another copy and read it again. There is not much else to say about this timeless American masterpiece. The writing is stunningly good, the symbolism is inspiring, and the characters are sympathetic despite their gross materialism and hollowness. This book resonates as much with our own time period as the Jazz Age that it is set in.

On the surface, this is a book that tells the story of a tragic love story. Simmering just below the surface, the novel is a first-class commentary on the hollowness of the pursuit of money and things. Gatsby is at once admirable and pathetic, rich and the poorest of men. Finding purpose beyond the material world is the only thing that can differentiate us and him.

If you read this in high school and remember not liking it, try it again. Books that are force fed often taste bad going down no matter how good they are. This is a great book and one that I will read again and again over the years. Highly, Highly Recommended.

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