What Are The Best Ways To Promote Your Book?

how to promote your book

Many authors ask themselves this question when trying to figure out how to reach their target reader audience. It can be tricky, but partnering with a team like ours at Lucid Books is one of the best ways to increase your exposure in the publishing world without going it alone!

Here are 10 ways to get more eyes on your work and gain new readers.

1. Create a blog or website.

A blog or website is a great way to share your work. You can use it as a personal author site, you can ask other authors in your genre to write on your blog for cross-posted content, and you can even do the same by creating content for them. Throughout your posts, you can add links making it easy for readers to buy your work!

If you don’t have the time (or feel comfortable) with this type of promotion, we understand and can help get your website up and running for you. Everyone would build a successful top-ranking website to sell books by the thousands overnight if it were easy, so let us know if you need a hand.

2. Increase your online presence to spread the word about your book.

We always say, “Be where your readers are.” Today, that means being online. One way to do this is by joining online communities and commenting on posts in your genre. Doing this helps create a natural forum for potential readers to engage with you on an idea and then link back to your page if they want to research further.

You can also create a Facebook group for people who love novels in your genre to chat about books and get tips from other authors or readers. There are many ways to increase the visibility of your work online and make it easier for someone looking for an author like you to find you!

3. Utilize the power of social media to promote your book.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all great ways to promote your book. You can post pictures of yourself with the cover or even do a Facebook live about how you approached a particular chapter! When you make yourself available to create authentic connections with readers, they’re more likely to purchase your book. You can also join online communities that feature authors similar to you and comment on posts from other authors within your genre’s community. Doing this can help readers refer back to you and create additional engagement opportunities.

4. Start a conversation with readers on Reddit/Goodreads forums.

These are both great places to get advice and create connections with other avid readers! You can also find more people who might be interested in checking out your work. BONUS: Posting is free for authors, unlike some other online sites that charge per post made.

5. Ask your readers for reviews.

Offer your readers a chance to review it by sending an email or simply posting about it on social media. Know that reviews from your readers are precious because they increase interest, build trust and help get the word out about your book!

6. Write a compelling book description.

The description blurb is a crucial part of what grabs the potential readers’ attention, creates intrigue, and ultimately gets them to buy your book instead of another. A strategically written, well-thought-out description can sell more copies than any advertisement or flashy design. Here are some tips to get you started creating your books’ description:

  • Match the tone of voice with how the copy will be used (e.g., for advertising).
  • Include an attention-grabbing opening statement or question to arrest people’s interest and stop the scroll.
  • Be sparing with words; use only those that communicate most effectively.
  • Provide details about what readers should expect after reading your work, building the expectation that their reading experience will satisfy an internal question.
  • Be sure to include the central theme, a few of the major plot points, and character motivations.

7. Make sure the visual elements of your book are on-brand and visually appealing.

A successful book cover is a colorful, eye-catching way to get your novel in the hands of readers. To create a likable and exciting cover, it’s essential to maintain a consistent tone throughout all parts of your design: fonts, colors, images–everything!

8. Maximize your distribution channels like Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

It’s no secret that Amazon and Barnes and Noble are the largest booksellers in North America. That’s why they’re both some of the best ways to get your work seen by new readers who might not have heard of you before! So utilize them to your maximum benefit to increase reach and to grow your readership.

9. Use book discount programs to offer free or discounted copies to readers.

Every bookseller has its own discount program, and some even offer discounts to wholesalers!

Here at Lucid Books, we built a discount program so that authors can price their work at lower costs, thereby reaching readers who may not have much money to spare. Our goal is to make new reading material available without breaking the bank.

10. Join the GoodReads Author Program.

This program gives you access to the Goodreads Lending Library, which has more than five million books that can be borrowed or given as a gift! It’s also a great way to find other authors who are doing similar work and connect with them for potential partnerships.

If you find yourself struggling with how to promote your book, don’t worry. We can help you! Our team of experts at Lucid Books is all about assisting authors to gain exposure in the publishing world and get new readers’ eyes on their work.

All it takes is a simple inquiry submission, and we’ll be more than happy to show you how our services can make a difference in the life and success of your book. Let’s chat today!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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