When, Where, and How to Start Advertising Your Book

how to advertise your book

If you’re an author, advertising your book is just as important to the success of your business as writing and publishing it. But, the truth is advertising doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated! In fact, it can be broken down into easy, manageable steps that everyone, from novices to seasoned writers, can do.

Here’s when, where, and how to start promoting your book so you can get the most out of every penny spent on advertising.

When To Advertise Your Book:

The best time to start marketing a book is before the writing is published. Yes, that’s right – spreading the word about what’s in store for those who read your newest project can help build anticipation and spark discussions long before your book is in their hands! Do this by sharing sneak peeks into plot developments or characterizations (or both) with your community of followers so they’ll be amped with excitement when the reading gets underway, not only on release day but also during promotion time leading up to the publication date.

Remember, when advertising a pre-published book, you can begin marketing it once the final draft is complete. At that point, the marketing playground is yours for the taking.

Where to Advertise Your Book:

Online publication opportunities are wide open, and you have a virtual smorgasbord of advertising strategies from which to choose. Advertising a book can be done using social media, search engine marketing (SEM), and advertising on your own website or blog.

In-person marketing opportunities are fewer but still very much an option. You can speak at libraries, book clubs, or to local writer groups about your pre-published work. Handing out samples at conferences in your niche, libraries, coffee shops, or local bookstores are all great places to connect with potential readers and share about the launch of your upcoming book release.

How to Advertise and Promote Your Book:

  • Utilize Social Media Advertising – (Both paid and organic) You can create an ad in minutes with a simple interface, targeting the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. You can also put together a content creation strategy on your published social channels to encourage engagement and conversation about your book and topics within your niche.
  • Leverage Google’s SEM tools – Search engine marketing is a powerhouse when it comes to book advertising. When used correctly, you’re able to get your book in front of the right audience when they’re actively looking.
  • Get Active on Forums – When the opportunity arises, connect with your readers on online forums, like Goodreads, whether it’s a discussion about your book or another topic within your niche. It’s an excellent way to build trust with readers and connect with other authors in the same space.
  • Optimize for Amazon – When advertising on Amazon, make sure you optimize all your keywords based on what people are searching for when looking at books like yours. Spend time beforehand researching exactly how many times customers, who look at books similar to yours, use specific words so you can get more eyes on your page during coveted discovery hours.

It’s important to remember the best way for your advertising strategy to succeed is by understanding when and where it will be most effective. The tips we’ve provided here should help you create an advertising plan tailored specifically to your needs, ensuring all aspects of the campaign are considered from start to finish. Still wanting a little more guidance with your advertising efforts? A book publisher company can often provide the additional support you may be looking for. If partnership publishing is something you’re interested in learning more about, reach out to the Lucid Books team today to see if we would be a good fit for your next book! We would love to connect with you!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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