Why You Should Work with a Partnership Publishing Company

If you’re an author, you’ve thought about publishing a book. But getting published isn't always easy. And it can be costly—especially if you don't have the right connections or experience in today’s ever-changing publishing industry. This is often why many writers choose to self-publish their work instead of going through a traditional publisher.

However, if you’re looking to dramatically improve your chances of success, partnership publishing is definitely an option worth considering. Lucid Books is a partnership publishing company that takes on the stress and expense of book publication so you don’t have to.

So what exactly is partnership publishing? And why should you consider working with a partnership publisher like Lucid Books? Let’s take a look.

What Is Partnership Publishing?

Partnership publishing is a modern model of publishing that has quickly gained popularity, and for good reason. It’s a collaborative effort between authors just like you and publishers just like us where we produce, publish, and market your book together.

Essentially, it’s the best of both worlds—you get the support and resources of a professional publisher, without giving up creative control or ownership of your work.

At Lucid Books, we offer a number of services to our authors, including editing, design, marketing, and distribution. We also handle all the behind-the-scenes work so you can focus on writing your next best-seller.

In addition, we have a team of experienced professionals who are familiar with the ins and outs of the publishing industry. That’s because we’ve written and published books ourselves! We know what it takes to get your book into the hands of readers, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Why Partnership Publishing Is a Better Choice Than Traditional-Publishing

In traditional publishing, timing is a huge factor. It’s not uncommon for writers to wait months, even years, to hear back from a publisher about their manuscript. And if your book is finally accepted, you likely won’t see it in stores until at least six months later.

What’s more, authors usually have to submit their work to multiple publishers in the hopes of getting just one to accept their book. But with partnership publishing, you only have to submit your book to one publisher—Lucid Books.

In addition to the questionable timeline of traditional publishing, creative control is also a toss-up. With traditional publishing, you have very little input or control over the final product. Partnership publishing gives you a say in every aspect of your book, from the cover design to the marketing strategy.

What Resources Does Partnership Publishing Provide?

As your partner in publishing, we have the resources and expertise to market and distribute your book both online and offline.  We’ll help you build your author platform so you can reach a wider audience of readers.

We’ll work with you to create an effective marketing plan tailored specifically to your book with your target audience in mind. This will allow you to focus on writing while we take care of getting your book into the hands of the right readers.

And because we’re a partnership publishing company, we’ll share the risks and the rewards with you. You can rest assured that we’re just as invested in your success as you are.

What Type of Support Does Partnership Publishing Offer?

Here at Lucid Books, we offer ongoing support and guidance, long after your book is published. We’ll help you navigate the ever-changing publishing landscape. This includes the transition to digital publishing and e-books and how to best take advantage of social media to grow your readership.

We also believe that open communication is key to any successful partnership. So we’ll keep you updated throughout the entire publication process, and we’re always available to answer your questions.

The Lucid Books Promise

We’ll be there for you every step of your publishing journey, offering advice and support along the way. We know that publishing a book is a big undertaking—but we’re here to help make it as seamless and stress-free as possible. Partnership publishing is the best way to get your book into the hands of readers, and we’re excited to help you make your publishing dreams a reality.

Are you ready to take your writing career to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about a partnership with Lucid Books. We can't wait to hear from you!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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Lucid Books is a partnership publisher. We help you create impactful books that people read and share with others!

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