How to Write a Great Novel: 3 Simple Tips

Writing a novel may be the American Dream, but transforming that dream into a reality doesn’t come without time and practice.

If you’re a new writer questioning how to write, the novel-writing process may seem daunting. You may feel insecure or doubtful about your abilities and wonder if you even know what you’re doing.

Not only are we here to encourage you, we are also here to show you how to write a great novel.

How to Write a Great Novel

There is a lot to learn. Let’s get into it! Read on to learn more.

  1. Read as Much as You Possibly Can.

Cliche? Possibly. But, time and time again, successful writers swear by this crucial advice.

Reading encourages you to absorb other styles of writing. It primes your imagination. It may also show you what works and what doesn’t.

In a nutshell, good writers write, but they read even more.

Take the legendary Stephen King, who carries a book with him everywhere he goes.

He continuously tells novice writers that if they don’t have time to read, they don’t have time to write.

William Faulkner wants you to read everything you can get your hands on. No matter the quality or content, absorb as much as you can. In every other craft, the novice learns from the master. Other writers are the masters. Listen to them.

  1. Think Less & Write More

We’ve all heard of the notorious term, writer’s block. Guess what? It doesn’t have to be the case for you!

Often, writer’s block stems from overcomplicating the process of writing. It also stems from perfectionism and fear.

This is why trusting the process and just putting words on paper initially overrules the quality of the content.

Sounds simple, but if you want to learn how to write a great novel, you have to actually start it. If you want to complete a great novel, you have to actually write it!

Brainstorming and outlining and editing and publishing concerns have their dutiful and necessary places. But, never underestimate the importance of putting your thoughts into concrete words.

In fact, there are entire philosophies devoted to this, such as Nanowrimo, which encourage writing as quickly and intensely as possible.

Take heart here. According to legendary Ernest Hemingway, all first drafts are absolutely terrible, anyway.

  1. Write the Kind of Story You Want to Read

Want to know how to write an interesting and provoking novel?

Make it something you’d want to read. Many successful writers attest to this theory.

For one, it keeps it passionate. When you feel passionate and excited about your project, that energy flows. It seeps through your dialogue and plot. It creates interesting conflict and character development.

Writers often get caught up with what they \”think\” they should write or they pay tremendous attention to current fads and trends. Worse, they boggle themselves with overanalyzing what they \”think\” their potential audience wants.

Scratch all that. What do you like to read? What do you get excited about? Channel that.

Are you incorporating these tips into your writing process? If not, you should.

Happy writing!


Lucid Books

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