[Free Guide] The Writing Tips Checklist: 25 Essential Steps to Writing a Book 

Free Guide The Writing Tips Checklist 25 Essential Steps to Writing a Book

There’s one challenge every author faces.

Writing a book.

Yes, this sounds obvious. But writing a book is easier said than done.

You can decide your topic, outline your book, and even write a few thousand words or more. But as you may know, actually completing your manuscript and, even more, having it published, are a challenge—especially for first-time authors.

Writing a book isn't for the faint of heart. It takes time…and a lot of it.

You will have to battle discouragement, fight for inspiration, and be the champion of the story you want to tell.

If you want to write a book, we’re in your corner. We want to help you tell your story. This is why we recently created a new free resource: Writing Tips Checklist: 25 Essential Steps to Writing a Book.


Regardless of whether your book is only an idea or your manuscript is nearly complete, this guide will walk you through the 25 steps you must take to write and publish your book.

This checklist covers how to prepare to write, research your topic, write your book, review your book, and publish your book.

This guide will walk you through important steps, such as:

  • Choosing one big idea
  • Identifying your target audience
  • Setting a writing schedule
  • Determining the marketability of your book
  • Making time to write
  • Reading your book out loud
  • Choosing your publishing plan
  • And more

At Lucid Books, we’re confident that the Writing Tips Checklist will help you prepare, outline, and write your book.

You can download the Writing Tips Checklist for free when you subscribe to our email newsletter below.


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