#1 Tool For Writers

what not to do as a newbie writer

Book marketing has changed over the last decade. Now more then ever authors are involved in marketing their books. Publishers can pull out all the stops to make first-time authors true success stories, but the author’s involvement is the most important piece of the marketing puzzle.

Authors who are interested in publishing with Lucid Books often ask what they can start doing now to help sell books in the future. We always give the same advice to every author: start a blog.

Authors should create a blog focused on the content in their book. It seems like everyone has a blog these days, but few are focused. Authors can build a following by creating content, getting feedback, and more. Below are some of the questions we are often asked about blogs.

What is a blog?
Technically it is shorthand for a weblog. It can be anything you want to be, but is best used as a forum to share your work.

How do I start a blog?
Two great sites that will get you on your way for free are Blogspot and WordPress.

When should I start a blog?
The best day to start a blog is at least three years before your book comes out. The second best day is today.

How often should I post?
You should post regularly, though daily is not neccesary. You want to post short articles regularly and try to have a longer piece at least once every couple of weeks.

How do I attract readers to my blog?Tell your friends and family about it, comment on other blogs, and give the search engines time to pick up the content you are adding.

More Tools for Writers:
Mind Maps
The Maker’s Schedule
Speed Reading Tips
Outsourcing Your Memory

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