5 Habits for Finding Time to Write

If you don't write when you don't have time for it, you won't write when you do have time for it.
—Katerina Stoykova Klemer

How do you write a book when you don't have time? Most books aren't written in a weekend. No, this work requires the will to plug away at it every day, even when the finish line is far off in the distance.

Every skill takes discipline—the most important things in life require time and effort. Book writing is no different, and writers who have other jobs and responsibilities must be especially disciplined. Applying these five habits will help you write when you don't have the time.

1. Make writing the first thing you do.

The easiest way to create a new habit is to make it one of the first things you do each day. If you neglect to write at the start of your day, you may find it difficult to make the time as the day progresses. There are simply too many distractions that come once the day is set in motion. It is so much easier to sit down and write a page or two at the beginning of your day before you turn to the rest of your daily business.

2. Figure out how many words you need to write per day.

Instead of being overwhelmed with writing 10 pages per day, figure out how words you need to write each day to complete your book in just a few months or even a year. Anyone can write 500 words a day. Keeping your daily target to a manageable amount allows you to hit your goal and to celebrate small victories every day along the way.

3. Get enough sleep.

This seems counterintuitive because you may think that losing sleep is part of the deal when you write a book. But going without proper rest is a bad idea. No one can write a good book or do anything well without being able to focus. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night is vital to writing a comprehensible manuscript.

4. Always be ready to capture ideas and quotes.

The best ideas sometimes come when you’re not prepared. You never know when you will hear something that has to go in your book or when you will get a brilliant idea for a chapter that you won't write for another two months. So, it’s a good idea to always carry a small notebook with you so you can jot down notes and ideas.

5. Don't give up!

Persistence must be the mindset you take while you write. This is necessary for the sake of your sanity.

If you’re experiencing writer’s block, you may need to take a break for a short while to gain some clarity and direction. But don't let this break lead you to giving up.

Ultimately, finding time and balance is a challenge all writers face. You must decide whether writing is worthy of that time, and then just take it.


Need some guidance on writing your book? Connect with one of our writing coaches at lucidbookspublishing.com!

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