7 Ways Writing a Book Can Grow Your Business 10x

Did you know that writing a book can make your business grow?

It might sound like an odd idea but, yes, writing a book is a wonderful PR move since it both gives you cheaper publicity and authority in your field.

By writing a book, you portray yourself as a more credible business owner, someone who invests their time into educating their audience and providing value.

If you want to know how writing a book can boost your revenue, read on.

1. Define your brand

By inserting some human elements into your book, you will not only educate your readers but also help them relate to you.

Writing a book is the perfect way to humanize your brand, tell your story, and build credibility.

When you use storytelling and provide unique insights regarding the obstacles your clients might face, plus a touch of humor or a bit of an inside story, you set yourself apart.

2. Grow your platform

Think about one of the biggest brands in the world right now: Apple.
Apple is not only about high-quality Macbooks and iPhones. It’s also about Steve Jobs, an icon in his industry.

Publishing a book can help you connect in similar ways to your audience, helping you become a personality instead of just a generic business. Writing a book shows your clients what you’re about and the depth of your expertise.

3. Generate leads

How will writing a book generate leads?

The consumers who are looking for information are in the need of your product/service. They’re also more likely to buy from someone who is a published author.

If your book provides useful content, the first person your readers will contact is you.

4. Connect with influencers

Remember the Steve Jobs example?

He used his story as an outlier, as a college dropout, to empathize with his audience’s insecurities and fears and bring hope by saying \”I was in your place too.\”

Showing yourself a little bit vulnerable makes it easier to connect with other influencers who faced the same obstacles, too.

5. Establish credibility

A published author is more likely to be seen as an authority in his field.

A book gives potential clients and customers tangible proof as to how much a person understands his field, proving his credibility and trustworthiness.

6. Educate your customers

The first step you can take is to do some research on what keywords your audience is using, then craft a book’s content to attract their attention.

For example, it could be quite enticing for you to use buzzwords or industry-specific terms to show your audience that you know what you’re talking about and care about their needs and pain points .

You’ll also want to educate your reader while trying to avoid sophisticated terms.

But remember to talk about how you can help them.

7. Charge more

The truth is that \”celebrities\” in any field get paid more.

This is why exposure is so important. Getting yourself recognized as a thought leader in your industry will increase your credibility.

Your clients will pay more because they expect more from you.

Writing a book can make your business grow! If you are interested in exploring further partnering with Lucid Books, please enter some information below:

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