Six Tips for Developing Your Voice as a Christian Author

Six Tips for Developing Your Voice as a Christian Author

Advice from our publishing team to help you develop your unique style and voice as a Christian author.

As a Christian author, your voice is an essential part of your ministry. Your unique writing style distinguishes your work from other writers in the Christian genre. It’s the most valuable tool in your writer’s toolbox as it allows you to develop authentic connections with your readers that last long past the completion of your books. However, when you’re a rookie writer looking to find that strong, distinctive voice, you may find yourself struggling to build those deeply rooted connections needed to make a lasting impact in the writing industry.  

When it comes down to it, being true to who God made you is what matters most when finding your voice as a Christian author. And, while there are various ways you can define and find your voice to deliver your message, here are six essential tips to help you on your way.

Tip One: Start by getting honest with yourself. 

No one can tell your story quite like you can, and the first step in finding your voice is getting honest with yourself about the unique perspective God has given you. What makes you different? What’s at the core of your writing? What message has God laid on your heart to deliver to your readers? By answering these initial questions, you’re well on your way to finding the authentic beginnings of your writing voice.

Tip Two: Draw from personal experience. 

One of the best ways to find your writing style is by sharing authentic experiences that have defined your walk with Christ. When you tap into things that have shaped your faith journey, it’ll give you a sense of purpose and motivation to help you develop the storytelling skills needed to make your message relatable to readers, both new and old. Authenticity is vital when developing your writer’s voice. As you write from the heart, you’re able to let the Holy Spirit guide and direct you so that His truth shines through in everything you write. 

Tip Three: Define who is and isn't your target audience. 

When you think of your target audience of readers, think about who you want to reach through your writing and how you want your message to be received. Once you know that, it becomes much easier to write in a personal, engaging, and easily understood way. 

Tip Four: Focus on the emotional message you’re aiming to deliver. 

Finding your voice as a Christian author is more than just writing about what you know to be true. It’s also finding the words that speak to someone emotionally as you convey the message of God’s love in a way that resonates with them. Focus on the emotions you want to evoke in your writing and the message that will leave a lasting impression on your readers. 

Tip Five: Read as much as you can to help hone your writing style.

When it comes to finding and developing your voice as a Christian author, one of the best things you can do is read as much as you can. Not only will this give you a better understanding of what’s being published in your genre, but it’ll also help to broaden your perspective and open up new possibilities for developing your unique writing style.

Tip Six: Be authentic to who you are in your faith. 

Write about what you know and what you’re most passionate about when sharing your beliefs with others. Don’t worry about trying to be someone you’re not. After all, this is your book with your message. So, write it that way! Be yourself—the rest will follow. 

When it comes to finding your voice as a Christian author, don’t be afraid to start with the basics in getting honest with yourself on how to better share the perspective God has given you. From there, you’re able to write from the heart and let the Holy Spirit guide and direct you as you share your message with the world through your writing.

Looking for additional ways to nail down your unique writing style? We’re happy to help! Reach out to the Lucid Books team today for more information on our partnership publishing opportunities to help take your writing career to the next level.

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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