Are You Ready to Publish Your Book? Take this Quiz

Are You Ready to Publish Your Book Take this Quiz

Writing a book involves many moving parts.

As a writer, you’ve committed a lot of time and brain space to deciding your topic, determining what points you need to cover to support your topic, and developing a strong outline. Then, you’ve had to practice discipline to set aside plenty of time to get your thoughts out on paper, find the right words, play around with sentence structure, and write all the way to the end of the final chapter. You may even have your introduction and conclusion written.

So, now you’re ready to publish, right? Maybe not. Getting a full draft written is a significant milestone (and cause for celebration), but it’s not the finish line when it comes to getting your book into the hands of your readers. 

is your book ready to publish? Take our quiz to find out

To help you determine whether your book is in shape to publish, we created this simple quiz. Take a few minutes to answer the questions and see how you do.

Did you make a 100? If not, you probably have some more work to do before uploading your book to Amazon and sending it to print.

Keep in mind that in addition to the steps in the quiz, you’ll also need to secure an ISBN, plus a copyright, find the right printer, and decide many other small details. But the answers to this quiz will help you pinpoint your weak points as you move toward publishing your book.

We can help with the details of publishing

Lucid Books exists to partner with authors as they make the many crucial decisions necessary to publishing a quality book. We’ve put together a team of skilled, experienced professionals to help you with all of the publishing, editing, and design details you’ll need to think about.

Once authors understand the many facets of publishing a book, they can often feel overwhelmed, and understandably so. Does this sound like you? If so, let’s have a conversation about how we can partner together. Click here to get started today.


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