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God Said

- A Personal Testament of Hope
 Format: Paperback  Author: Kat Flippin  Category: Christian Living  Published: September 24, 2024  ISBN: 978-1632966926  Pages: 220  Buy on Amazon  Barnes & Noble

In the aftermath of our third miscarriage, I was drowning in grief. I found myself reading through the ten plagues described in Exodus. There’s nothing like locusts and water turning to blood to lift your spirits, right? A recurring phrase captured my attention: “Then the Lord said…” God spoke, and it happened down to the last detail every time. In the depths of my anguish and understanding the power of His Word, I pleaded for God to speak to me. I closed my Bible and let it simply fall open. I was quick to be dismissive, but the Holy Spirit nudged me to a verse in the upper left: He gives the barren woman a home, so that she becomes a happy mother. Praise the Lord! – Psalms 113:9 (NLT)

I wept.

At that moment, I felt completely known by Almighty God. If you’ve tasted profound loss or faced the agonizing delay of unfulfilled longing, you’re not alone. I pray that God Said brings you hope and inspires you to invite God into your story. One word from Him can change everything.

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