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What Lies Ahead

- A Biblical Overview of the End Times
 Format: Paperback  Author: J. B. Hixson  Category: Christian Living  Published: February 1, 2013  ISBN: 1935909630  Pages: 364 More Details  Buy on Amazon

How Much Do You Know about the End Times? God has a glorious future in store for believers in Jesus Christ. How much do you really know about it? The Bible has a great deal to say concerning the end times. Have you ever wondered: What is the Rapture, and when will it occur? Where does the nation of Israel fit in God s Kingdom program? What role will the Antichrist play in the end times, and when will he be revealed? What are the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment? What is the Battle of Armageddon? Who are the Beast and the False Prophet? What is the Second Coming? These questions and many more are answered in this comprehensive overview of the end times from a biblical perspective. The prophecies of Scripture regarding the end times are not meant to confuse or intimidate Christians. Instead, they provide hope for today and give us a glimpse of What Lies Ahead.

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