How to Make Your Story Come Alive with Real-Life Details

How to Make Your Story Come Alive with Real-Life Details

As Christian authors, our stories should be rooted in truth. While it may be tempting to create a world of fantasy and imagination, incorporating real-life details can bring your story alive and make it more powerful. 

So how do you go about adding the right kind of detail? 

Let’s explore some tips and techniques that will help bring your story to life.

Do Your Research

Before you start writing, make sure you know what information is needed for the story. Doing research on the setting, characters, events, etc., will provide valuable context and allow you to accurately portray these details in your manuscript. Ask yourself questions like: What does my character’s hometown look like? What food do they eat? What kind of music do they listen to? Knowing this information beforehand will save you time and keep your story authentic.

Observe your surroundings

The next step to incorporating real-life details in your book is to observe your surroundings. Take note of the sights, sounds, smells, and textures around you in real-time. Pay attention to the way people interact with each other, the small details that make a place unique, and the way everyday objects look and feel. By observing the world around you, you’ll be able to create more vivid, detailed descriptions in your writing.

Incorporate Memory Details

If you want a scene in your book to feel more realistic and relatable, try incorporating memory details. These are small details that evoke memories from the reader’s own experience – things like a particular smell or sound that reminds them of something from their past. This type of detail helps draw the reader into the scene and makes it easier for them to connect with the characters on an emotional level.

Use Dialogue Exchanges

Dialogue exchanges between characters can be used as a great way to incorporate realistic details into your story without seeming overly descriptive or long-winded. Listeners learn a lot about each other during conversations – where they grew up, their values, and their interests – so take advantage of dialogue exchanges by letting conversations do some of the storytelling for you. This is also a great way to add subtle humor or tension into scenes without being too heavy-handed.

Use your personal experiences

Another way to incorporate lifelike details into your writing is to draw from your personal experiences. Think about moments in your life that have had a significant impact on you, or that have stuck with you over time. Use those experiences to inspire scenes, characters, or events in your book. By tapping into your own emotions and memories, you’ll be able to create more authentic, relatable writing.

Incorporating real-life details into your book is a great way to create a more engaging and relatable story. By following the tips and techniques outlined, you can ensure your book stands out and connects with readers on a deeper level.

At Lucid Books, we understand the importance of incorporating real-life details into your book. As a Christian publishing partnership company, we can help you bring your book to life and reach a wider audience. Contact us today to learn more about our partnership publishing opportunities and how we can help you turn your manuscript into a published book that readers will love.

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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