Publishing With A Purpose

publishing with a purpose

When writing a book, there are endless reasons to publish your work. You may write about your personal story and want to share your first-hand experience. Maybe you want to build brand awareness to help position yourself as an expert in a field. Or perhaps you want to publish your writing to recognize and support a deeply passionate cause.

But what are some of the best causes for which to write a book? Let’s explore the top contenders from our publishing house here at Lucid Books

Orphan Care

One type of cause that book publishing can be especially beneficial for is orphan care. By sharing your story of adoption, fostering, or being a foster parent, you can help raise awareness for this important cause. From personal experience to advice and everything in between, there are so many ways that your story can help others who are thinking about taking on the adoption or foster care journey. 

Business Owners

Businesses can use book publishing to gain exposure and build their brand. By writing a book about your business, industry, or experience in a leadership role, you can position yourself as an expert in your field. This type of book can be beneficial for entrepreneurs looking to get their business off the ground or for established companies looking to take their marketing to the next level to help expand their brand. 


Pastors and other ministry leaders often have a wealth of knowledge and experience they can share with others through book publishing. By writing a book, you can share your story of how God has worked in your life, offer advice and guidance to others who are looking to start their own ministry, or even share the story of your church or organization. No matter your experience in ministry, there’s a book with a powerful message waiting to be written. 

Disease Awareness

Books can also be powerful tools for raising awareness around health issues and diseases. When you write a book about your experience with a specific disease or health condition, you can help others dealing with the same thing. Whether it’s cancer, heart disease, or rare conditions with little to no public knowledge, publishing a book can help educate readers about these topics. These types of books are helpful for people going through their own health journey when writers share stories of hope, courage, and perseverance.  
No matter your reason for wanting to get published, know that there are many ways to support good causes through this process! We hope this blog post has inspired you to consider how book publishing could benefit the cause of your choice. Contact us today if you’re ready to get started on your book or to see if partnership publishing is the right fit for you and your next project!

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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