The 1 Challenge Every Author Faces

The 1 Challenge Every Author Faces

There’s one challenge every author faces: Writing a book.

Yes, this sounds obvious. But writing a book is easier said than done.

You can decide upon your topic, outline your book, and even write a few thousand words or more. But as you may know, actually completing your manuscript and, even more, having it published, is a challenge—especially for first-time authors.

Writing a book isn't for the faint of heart. It takes time…and a lot of it.

You will have to battle discouragement, fight for inspiration, and be the champion of the story you want to tell.

If you want to write a book or you’re on the verge of completing one, we’re in your corner.

We want to help you tell your story.

Regardless of whether your book is only an idea or your manuscript is nearly complete, I want to share with you the 4-step process we take every submitted manuscript through at Lucid Books. This process helps us determine if the author’s book idea is solid, if they have a quality manuscript, and if their book has market potential.

Here’s a high-level overview of how we review every manuscript at Lucid Books.

1. Content

The first question you have to ask yourself about your book idea is this: “Will my book provide value for readers?” You see, one of the primary reasons people buy books is to learn something. From parenting tips or learning how to build a website, to cooking healthy meals, readers are seeking answers to all types of questions.

As an author, you want to answer the questions people are asking. Even more, your content needs to convey a style, tone, and angle new to the general topic of your book. Basically, you don't want to repeat what someone else has already said.

2. Structure

Have you ever listened to someone deliver a speech that wasn't organized well? You probably have if you’ve lived long enough.

When this happens, it’s difficult to follow the speaker even if their content is great. There are rabbit trails, the topics jump back and forth, and you’re never quite sure where things are going. The same holds true for books. Readers can become easily disoriented if your manuscript is not structured well.

Help your readers start and finish your book by organizing your content. To do this, ask yourself questions like:

·      Are my paragraphs connected clearly?

·      Do I use clear transitions to orient my reader?

·      Does each chapter focus on one clear point?

Do my chapters build upon each other and support my topic?
These questions only scratch the surface. But they will help you start thinking through your book’s organization.

3. Style

Who is your favorite author? Think about this person for a moment and ask yourself, “Why do I like their writing?”

Time’s up.

After a moment, I imagine you realized the answer to this question is difficult to answer. That’s because identifying what you like about an author’s writing style compared to another author can be difficult to nail down. Even though writing is a skill with technical components, it is also a form of art eliciting different responses from readers. This is why a book you read or write will move some people, but not connect with everyone. The same holds true for your own writing style.

You can analyze it yourself. But this is difficult to do apart from outside help. Because your writing style is personal. It’s unique. It’s a reflection of who you are as a writer.

Whether you pay an editor or have a qualified friend review your work, it’s important to ensure your writing is clear, smooth, and engaging.

4. Marketability

Writing a book is different from writing in your personal journal. You’re writing a book for other people to read—not yourself.

So, if you desire for people to buy your book, you need to know who they are, if they’re interested in what you have to say, and if your book is different from what’s currently available.

Here are the 3 basic steps you need to take:

Step 1: Identify your audience. Think through your ideal reader’s age, gender, profession, level of education, and more. The answer to these questions will help clarify whom you’re marketing your book to.

Step 2: Uncover a need. You can identify a need for your book by reviewing keyword searches in Google and what’s available at online retailers or your local bookstore.

Step 3: Differentiate your book. What books in circulation are similar to yours? Knowing what’s available will help you not only differentiate your book with new or different information, it will also give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of sales.

Free Book Consultation Offer

Taking your book through this 4-step process will help you move toward publishing your book. These steps will help you determine if the content of your book is solid, if your writing is structured well, if your personal writing style shines through, and if your book is marketable. But, I understand this can be difficult to do by yourself.

It’s hard to step back, separate yourself from your work, and determine if your book is ready for publication. You’re still going to have a ton of questions—especially if you’re a first-time author.

Having the help of a publisher can remove the guesswork from publishing. Receiving expert advice from a professional editor can save you time on rewriting, reduce your publishing learning curve, and help you prepare to publish your book.

At Lucid Books, we want to help as many authors as possible publish their book. This is why we are offering a free Book Consultation.

If you’re interested in having someone from our team review two chapters of your manuscript, click the green button above to learn more.

And don't worry. This is a hassle-free and no-obligation deal.

Happy writing!

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for our free book consultation.

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