Vision & Goal Setting For Authors

what not to do as a newbie writer

What is your vision as a writer? Where do you want to be in 5 years? Have you made progress towards that goal?
I recently read a book called [amazon_link id=\”1118275195\” target=\”_blank\” ]Train Your Brain For Success[/amazon_link], and the author has some very helpful advice on setting a vision for different areas in your life and meeting your goals. I highly recommend [amazon_link id=\”1118275195\” target=\”_blank\” ]buying a copy of the book[/amazon_link] – the most helpful book on goal setting and vision that I have ever read, and it also has some great tips on improving your memory and speed reading.

Setting a vision for your where you want to be as a writer will help you reach your goals faster than you thought possible. Here is a sample vision for what I am talking about.

In five years, I am the successful author of two books, Bible Hacking and Book Marketing 101. I am a speaker at more than 10 conferences a year and am always helping other authors get their start. I have already sold more than 15,000 copies of my books, and am on track to double that before the end of next year. I have more time in my life than ever before and am continuing to write because it is what I was born to do. Writing is what keeps me sane, and I am continuing to put ideas on paper and helping to spread the word.

Here are some very simple tools to get you there.

1. Write it down. Don’t have a nebulous goal in your head; write it down. Not only does this solidify it in your own mind, but your brain will start working towards that goal.

2. Be Present. Write your vision in the present tense. This helps you, and your brain, work towards that goal quickly. This is where you are in 5 years, not where you want to be.

3. Read your vision daily. Read the vision for where you want to be as a writer every day. This will align your daily and weekly activities in such a way that you will always be working towards your goals.

4. Visualize your vision. There is no need to do this daily, but imagine briefly what it would be like if you reached these goals. How would it make you feel? What God-given burdens will you have laid down? What else can you do now?

5. Update your vision. Your vision does not have a set end date, but is a constantly moving target. Update it, daily if needed, and keep moving closer to where you want to be.

God has blessed us with a mind that is capable of more than we know. Put your brain to work for you, and move toward the vision that you have of yourself as a writer. You will accomplish more than you thought possible by simply writing it down and viewing it daily. Commit to trying it for two weeks and see for yourself – it will make a difference.

For other tips on goal setting, vison, and purpose statements I cannot recommend these two books highly enough:

[amazon_link id=\”1118275195\” target=\”_blank\” ]Train Your Brain For Success[/amazon_link]

[amazon_link id=\”1433513188\” target=\”_blank\” ]Leaders Who Last[/amazon_link]

Leave a comment and let us know if these tools are working for you. We would love to hear about the vision you have as a writer and where you will be five years from now. We can help you accomplish your vision effectively and quickly.

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