Tips for Developing a Solid Writing Routine

Tips for Developing a Solid Writing Routine

Writing is a process.

It takes time and patience to write a book or even an article, but it’s also important to get the most out of your writing time. You need to be motivated and organized and have the right tools at hand if you’re going to make your writing routine work for you. 

Here are some tips that will help you develop a solid writing routine:

Start with the small, attainable steps and work from there.

When you look at the big picture, it can be overwhelming. You want to write a novel, but you feel that it’s going to take years of work and practice before you achieve that goal.

But let’s break this down further. What is a novel? It’s just words on paper—just like everything else we write as writers! A novel is an accumulation of smaller pieces, and those pieces are made up of words that we string together into sentences (and then paragraphs, chapters, and scenes).

So if we can start by writing short stories or essays or even blog posts in order to get our ideas out there—and if those things are small enough for us to accomplish—then why not apply this same concept when setting goals for longer projects?

Start small by writing for five minutes each day, or 10-15 minutes every other day, until you build up your stamina for longer sessions (we recommend 30 minutes daily). Then work your way up from there!

You’ll be more motivated to write if you write about something that excites you.

If you’re having trouble getting started, try to write about something that’s exciting to you. This can be anything from the latest news story or a topic that has been bothering you for a while. The key here is that it should feel like a breath of fresh air and something that motivates, rather than stifles, your writing process.

Prioritize writing by setting aside time in advance, whether that means scheduling time in your week or in your day.

A critical step in developing a writing routine is prioritizing writing by setting aside time in advance, whether that means scheduling time in your week or in your day. You don't have to overcomplicate it—just decide how much time you want to devote to writing each week and then make sure that there are no other obligations on those days and times.

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

Being afraid of failure is probably the biggest roadblock to getting your writing done. It makes us hesitant to try new things and stick with old habits, even when they aren’t working for us anymore.

This is where you’ll want to aim for letting go of your fear of change—and actually embrace it! Challenge yourself by trying something new. Instead of sitting down at a computer, try sketching out your ideas by hand first. Write them in the morning instead of at night, or write them in a new-to-you coffee shop rather than in front of the television at home. You may find that these changes make everything easier—and better!

When you’re feeling stuck, take a break to do something else.

If you’re feeling stuck and not sure what to do next, take a break. Don't feel guilty about it. Don't feel bad about yourself for not writing for a while. Take a walk, go for a run, read something else—just do something that isn't related to your project in any way whatsoever. 

The point is: when you’re feeling stuck in your writing routine, take a break from the project for a little bit until inspiration comes back into focus again!

Use tools like spreadsheets and forms to hold yourself accountable.

Using tools like spreadsheets and forms can help you stay on track. You can use a spreadsheet to track your progress and create a form that asks you questions about your writing goals. The answers will help you stay accountable to yourself, so that the next time someone asks how much writing you’ve done since the last time they asked, you can confidently say “Oh yeah! I wrote X pages today!”

Don’t overcomplicate your routine; find what works and stick with it.

Don't feel pressured to define every single aspect of your writing routine. Just find something that works and stick with it. If you feel like your routine needs a little tweaking or fine-tuning, then do that—but don’t overwhelm yourself with the small things that don't add to your overall progress.

It’s important to remember that it’s OK to develop your own routine rather than having a new routine every day or every week.

Your writing routine is personal to your writing needs. While there are many ways for authors to develop their own routines, it’s important to find one that works for you. Your routine may not be one that works for your fellow writing friends, and that’s okay! You also might need to try several routines before you find one that sticks and works well with your personality and schedule. 

Don’t be afraid of trying something new; if it doesn’t work out, then you can always go back to what worked before!

Creating a solid writing routine can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. The most important thing is to start with the small, attainable steps and work from there. You’ll know your routine is successful when you have time to write every day, even if it’s only for ten minutes or so. 

And remember: writing doesn’t always feel great at the moment, but if it’s something that excites you then that will keep you motivated and give you more energy over time!

When you’re looking for a partner in publishing to help you accomplish your next big step in writing, contact our team at Lucid Books. We would love to talk with you about our partnership opportunities and how we can help you achieve your biggest writing goals. 

Happy writing! 

Picture of Casey Cease

Casey Cease

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